Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Storm Comin' Through

When Neil and Marilyn van Keizerswaard's first race horse, Storm Comin' Through, won it's first race at about 10 to 1 odds, it seemed like an event to memorialize. Marilyn brought a finish-line photograph of Storm and said she'd like to give a painting of the moment to Neil for Christmas.

"It's not going to look like that photograph," I said.

"I know that," she said. "I want you do to your thing."

I sat around for several days wondering what to do with a horse named Storm and a jockey wearing pink. Yeah, he was wearing pink. Then lightening struck.

Merry Christmas, Neil.


  1. Agreed, Holly! I love those reds and blues.

  2. The Storm's gone past, and we love your art.
    Come on,. give us a new post of art or literature.

    ~ TWebsterArmstrong
